
One of my students cut my class today...
He's only 14 years old..
He likes to play online games...
but not study...


It's very bad to do this..
although I did the same thing when I was younger...


I really hope that he'll focus on his school work, but he doesn't...


Playing online games is a great thing to do when you're in your free time.

It's just the entertaiment...not everything..


I decide to discuss with his mom..not to let him come to my apartment anymore

I don't want my students cut the class all the time because of the stupid reasons though

It's not worthy, isn't it?


Do what you need to do at the right time

That's very important thing tho...

not like me...

I'm kinda regret what I have done in my life

but life goes on!


When you look back in the past, you'll find out something...

I found it, didn't you?


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